
BabelColor ®
Color Measurement and Analysis
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Export color lists as data, images, or swatches files from the same dialog window. The window has separate "Data", "Image" (shown here), "Swatches", and “ChromaChecker” tabs from which you select the specific parameters of each export type. The Image tab enables you to export in the PNG, BMP, or TIFF file formats. Depending on the file type, export in the RGB, CMYK, or L*a*b* color space, in 8 bit or 16 bit. The controls in the bottom of the window are common for all export types. You can save the profile with the image if an ICC profile is assigned to the data (available for PNG and TIFF images). Select the “8 bit dithering” option to generate images with essentially 16 bit accuracy while keeping an 8 bit workflow. The accuracy improvement obtained by dithering is important for those who strive for the utmost accuracy when printing targets. In fact, many reference targets for industry standard workflows, such as the P2P51x and TC1617x targets, are generated using dithering. The common problems with these supplied targets are that they must be used “as is” without resizing or conversion, and that they are available only in a few layouts. These are not limitations any more since, with the 8 bit dithering option, you can generate dithered targets which suit your size, file type, and layout requirements, starting from the supplied CGATS text files (or any other data file).
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BabelColor ®
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Export color lists as data, images, or swatches files from the same dialog window. The window has separate "Data", "Image" (shown here), "Swatches", and ChromaChecker” tabs from which you select the specific parameters of each export type. The Image tab enables you to export in the PNG, BMP, or TIFF file formats. Depending on the file type, export in the RGB, CMYK, or L*a*b* color space, in 8 bit or 16 bit. The controls in the bottom of the window are common for all export types. You can save the profile with the image if an ICC profile is assigned to the data (available for PNG and TIFF images). Select the “8 bit dithering” option to generate images with essentially 16 bit accuracy while keeping an 8 bit workflow. The accuracy improvement obtained by dithering is important for those who strive for the utmost accuracy when printing targets. In fact, many reference targets for industry standard workflows, such as the P2P51x and TC1617x targets, are generated using dithering. The common problems with these supplied targets are that they must be used “as is” without resizing or conversion, and that they are available only in a few layouts. These are not limitations any more since, with the 8 bit dithering option, you can generate dithered targets which suit your size, file type, and layout requirements, starting from the supplied CGATS text files (or any other data file).
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